Vintage Somaliland stamps covering Queen Victoria, King Edward Vii, King George 5 King George6 till Queen Elizabeth II
Nice bunch of stamps to add to any collection.
Set1:QV_KE7 £18
Queen Victoria op on India stamps till King Edward 7 stamps
Set2:KE7_KG5 £16
King Edward 7 till King George 5 including 1 Rupee stamps
Set3:KE7_QE2 £14
King Edward 7 till Queen Elizabeth II stamps
Set4:KG6both £15
This set has both the original Anna price and overprinted cents to cover the change of monetary unit.
Set5:KG5 £12
Nice set of stamps covering KG5 , KG6 to QE II
Set6:QE2 £10
Nice set of stamps covering QEII , later set is when local power handover started in the country.
Set7:KG6_QE2 £20
Nice set of stamps covering KG6
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