Dive into the fascinating world of Netherlands Indies Colonies stamps, spanning from the early issues to 1947. This meticulously curated collection offers a journey through time, showcasing the evolution of postal history in the Dutch East Indies. From the colonial era to the eve of independence, each stamp tells a story of cultural diversity, economic development, and political change. Whether you're a seasoned philatelist or a history enthusiast, these stamps provide a captivating window into the rich heritage of the Netherlands Indies Colonies. Present-day Indonesia has emerged from this area.
Set1:1870_1 £12
1870 -1888 King Wilhelm III
Set2:1870_2 £10
1870 -1888 King Wilhelm III
Set3:Queen_3 £14
Queen Wilhelmina 1913
Set4:Queen_4 £10
Queen Wilhelmina 1913
Set5:Queen_5 £15
Queen Wilhelmina 1914
Set6:Queen_6 £12
Queen Wilhelmina 1914
Set7:Queen_7 £10
Queen Wilhelmina 1899 Nederland stamps over printed
Set8:Queen_8 £12
1934-37 Queen Wilhelmina and some other motif
Set9:Queen_9 £10
1945 -1946 Queen Wilhelmina
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